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What is platinum resistance thermometer
什么是铂电阻温度计 上海维连电子What is platinum resistance thermometer

PRT is a temperature sensing device. It uses a pure platinum wire resistor to measure the temperature. Because the stability of platinum and the ability to restore into filaments, platinum is usually used.
PRT is a type of RTD. The difference is the material it uses, so it has its own name PRT. The sensing element is a resistor that changes with temperature. The changes in resistance are understandable and repeated. The resistance of platinum wire is measured by current (AC or DC) through it and measured the voltage with a suitable device. The reading output is converted to temperature through the calibration equation. Connected to the sensing element is a extension line, so the resistance can be measured from a distance. The sensor element is usually placed in a protective cover (usually stainless steel). The uniqueness of platinum sensing elements is that they can be exposed at ° C at a temperature of 850 ° C.
The temperature that PRT can successfully measure depends on the material contained in the structure. Under normal circumstances, the temperature capacity of the wire and the insulation layer is the lowest. Our PRT is divided into two types-low temperature and high temperature. The low -temperature structure contains polytetrafluoroethylene insulation, nickel -plated copper wires, and is used to connect to RTD components. Alumina powder is used to fill stainless steel pipes to support components, and seal with epoxy resin to ensure that the moisture will not enter. This construction method limits the temperature at 250 ° C.
For PRT ° C and construction methods that can be used with up to 650 are nickel wires with nickel wire and ceramic insulator or mineral insulating metal cover (MIMS) cable . Alumina powder is also used in this construction process to support elements. The selection of sealing agents depends on the temperature level of the transition point. Be careful to seal the element, use chromium nickel iron alloy® the maximum temperature can be extended to about 850 ° C.
The most common PRT is PT100. PT means platinum, and 100 represents the length and diameter of the built -in platinum wire. The resistance ° C at 0 is 100 ohm, and the resistance changes per degree of Celsius by 0.385 ohm. Generally, the measurement current is 1mA, about 0 ° C PT100 sensor . The change is about 0.4 millivol to change every degree of Celsius.
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